Anesthesia Instructions
You will be given local anesthesia for your surgery. In addition, you have chosen one of the following anesthesia supplements. Each choice requires a different preparation on your part and for your safety it is important that you read and follow the instructions carefully.
For all surgery, please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Please wear a short sleeve shirt or blouse.
If you have chosen to have:
1. You may have a light meal for (4) hours prior to surgery.
2. Although not required, you may wish to have a responsible person to drive you home after surgery.
3. If you prefer to listen to music, you may bring your iPod/MP3 player with small earbud headphones.
4. Follow instructions below for any additional anesthesia chosen.
1. Take the medication at the time directed before your surgery.
2. You must have a responsible person to drive you to the office, stay the entire time and then drive you home.
3. If you prefer to listen to music, you may bring your iPod/MP3 player with small earbud headphones.
4. Follow instructions below for any additional anesthesia chosen.
1.Nothing to eat or drink for six (6) hours prior to surgery.You may drink clear liquids (water, fruit juice without pulp, carbonated beverages, clear tea and black coffee) up to two (2) hours before your appointment. However, it is important that you take any regular medications (high blood pressure, antibiotics, etc.) or any premedication prescription that we may have provided, using only small amounts of water.
2. Contact lenses must be removed before surgery.
3. Nail polish must be removed before surgery.
4. All jewelry must be removed before surgery.
5. Do not bring your iPod/MP3 player.
6. You must have a responsible person to drive you, stay the entire time and drive you home. You also need someone to stay with you today to observe you while you rest.
7. You must have a responsible person attend to your needs for several hours after surgery.
8. Plan to rest for the remainder of the day. Do not operate power tools, machinery, etc., for 24 hours after surgery.
□ Take your first dose of Ibuprofen or Naproxen with small amounts of water before you leave your residence.
□ If instructed, take your antibiotic premedication one hour before your appointed surgical time.
□ If instructed, please take two puffs of your inhaler before leaving your residence.
Our goal is to provide you with a safe, pleasant and effective anesthetic experience. In order to do this it is required that we have your full cooperation. Please feel free to call us with any questions concerning your surgery or anesthesia. Failure to follow these rules may necessitate rescheduling of your appointment.